
I have started a blog!!

Sunday, 5 December 2010

Arduino Autonomous Rover

This is my first project involving arduino, I have very little knowledge of Electronics/Processing but am I am learning as I go. I have created a blog so as to help any other young arduino users get there bearings because sometimes its just hard to know where to start.

I am hoping that when I am finished I will have something along the lines of this.

I already have got an Arduino, 2 x GM9 motors, 2x Front Tank Wheels.

On the Official Site it shows a Polulu Motor Controller
but this is a little expensive for a first build so I will be getting to grips with a L293d and a breadboard to kick it off.

I havent managed to get a Ultrasonic Sensor as of yet but slowly slowly catchy monkey.

Coding for the rover has begun already as it has obviously taken me a while to even get this far. I will post it in the coming weeks just incase I have made some errors that havent been ironed out as of yet without a working prototype. I will be doing a section on the L293d tommorow for contolling the motors in both directions.